Why Are We Surprised? TSA Scanned Images Leak Online


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via Life On the Wicked Stage: Act 2 by Warner Crocker on 11/16/10

What to you get when you pair up Gizmodo, the TSA, and human nature? Leaked security scans. I certainly hope that no one is really surprised by this. It was destined to happen at some point, and that's one of the reasons there has been so much fuss over the issue.

I feel for just about everyone involved in this. The TSA has a tough job trying to make air travel more secure. It's filled with Hobson's choices, just like any endeavor that deals with human nature is. Those jumping up and down about the privacy aspects also have a legitimate beef, especially as it relates to children. The 12 and over thing for frisking suitability proves just how arbitrary most lines we draw are. It should come as no surprise that I largely agree with those who think this is just another sign that the terrorists won.

In my view there are no easy answers or no easy compromises here. There's also apparently no easy way to have a discussion about this without someone getting dogmatic one way or the other.

I'd like to see two things happen.

  • Have the security officials who are charged with telling us this is important go through the system, along with their families. Show some leadership and show this happening.
  • I'd also like to see anyone yelling and screaming about this on either side offer up a reasonable suggestion for how to fix the problem. But then, that's hard work and yelling and screaming about it is much more fun.

But again, that's human nature for you.


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