Solar Keyboard


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via Popgadget: Personal Tech for Women by Evan on 11/18/10


We can't afford to buy solar panels for our house but felt we could do our eco bit by adding teeny, tiny solar panels to our computer keyboard. Ok, we're just kidding about that but we do like the idea of saving on all those batteries. Logitech was way ahead of us with their wireless solar keyboard k750 with its small solar panels, in a sleek, low profile (only 1/3 of an inch thick) design.

But solar panels in our dark cubby hole that passes for an office? Turns out the Solar K750 sucks energy from a simple desk lamp and can stay charged for at least three months in total darkness.

And since it's the advanced 2.4 GHz wireless model, you can work from virtually anywhere and the long-range wirless connection doesn't drop out.

When you need to check to see how much solar power you've got left, the Solar App easily lets you know if you're almost running on empty.

As with all of of their keyboards, the solar model features the concave key cap design, which makes typing for hours more comfortable.

For $79.99 you can feel righteous without the big price tag.

Posted by Evan    Category: computers | devices | eco | peripherals
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