Hot Stove Action


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via YFSF by IronHorse (YF) on 11/18/10

Will the Yanks land Cliff?  Will the Sox keep Beltre?  Who will be the Opening Day catcher for either of these teams?  Will Derek Jeter get a contract that keeps him a Yankee until he is too old to play or until he is really too old to play?  Will the Sox have a credible pen?  Will the Yanks have credible # 3-5 starters?  Will we mercifully get to Opening Day without another A-Rod tabloid special?  Will the Sox make another SS-change just because they can?  Will the Yankees give up on this incremental-dollar stuff and just start demanding organs and offspring in exchange for tickets?

Comment here on what you know, what you think you know, and what you wish you knew about all the off-season intrigue and baseball happenings...


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