Warning: New Phishing Scam Targets Netflix Subscribers


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via Hacking NetFlix by mikek on 12/21/10

Trend Micro reports that Netflix subscribers are being targeted in a new phishing attack using e-mails that appear to be from Netflix and warns that "Your Account Has Been Suspended:"

Netflix, a popular Internet subscription service for movies and TV shows, is now a target of a new phishing campaign. In this attack, recipients of a spam message are advised that their registered credit card no. in the said site has expired. Users are advised to update their account by clicking on the link provided. As with previous phishing attempts, users are actually lead to a spoofed Netflix site, wherein users are tricked into giving out their login credentials and other personal information. Once the said information are provided, they are then redirected to the real Netflix site.

If you get an e-mail from Netflix that states that "Your account has been suspended," do not click on the link in the e-mail.


Things you can do from here: