Sarah Palin's Alaska


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via The Guardian World News by Hadley Freeman on 11/14/10

Former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin stars in her own reality show, Sarah Palin's Alaska. Hadley Freeman watches the first episode

9:06pm ET/ 2.06am GMT: Sarah likes to do her "researching" on the porch, looking at the lake. She's possibly looking for Russia because she doesn't seem to have any papers in front of her.

9:05pm ET/ 2.05am GMT: "This summer we're setting aside some time to spend with the family," says Sarah. And a reality TV crew.

9.04pm ET/ 2.04am GMT:Opening montage shows Sarah and her "surprisingly good looking family" (according to my sofa companion) fishin' and huntin' and raftin' and some awesome college rock music. Hoobastank? Hope so!

9:02pm ET / 2.02am GMT: Starting! Sarah says: "I love this state like I love my family." Wonder if this means she'll leave her family to pursue her TV ambitions as she did when she
stepped down as governor of Alaska. Wink!

8:55pm ET / 1.55am GMT : Only 5 minutes to go until - that's right! - Palin Time! It's like Hammer Time, but with less political credibility. Anyway, it might interest you all to know that the show that's on immediately before Sarah's on the TLC channel is a reality TV show called "19 and Counting", about a family with 19 kids. There is a certain theme to this channel's commissioning style. Anyway, start getting excited!

11am ET / 4pm GMT: Happy news! Not long to go before the debut of what will certainly be the television event of the year, the inevitable (and, frankly, surprisingly long time coming) Sarah Palin reality TV show, Sarah Palin's Alaska.

How many new words will this modern day Shakespeare coin over the course of this eight-part series? How many times will she wink and hint that she may or may not run for president in 2012? And most of all, will we finally get to see whether one can indeed see Russia from her house?

Join me on my big red sofa here at 9pm ET (2am GMT) tonight so we can watch and marvel together. Or, if you sadly don't have access to the cultural treasure chest that is US cable, you can just read and marvel as I try my best to transcribe Palin's extraordinary syntax. © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds


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